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simulation components, logic, intelligence, patterns
AIB2 Components - 8x8 LED Display
Category: Utility
The 8x8 display component receives the 64 element array output from the 8x8 controller component to display in real-time (during simulation) the specific pattern associated with the unique integer value provided to the 8x8 controller. While this component is not provided in the run-time library, it serves as a visual representation of what the outputs exposed would serve to an external physical device.

  Inputs: 4
Input Name:
Boolean input of zero or non-zero value that either enables or disables the component. Default is ON.
LED 8x8 Command
The 64 element array of type integer, describing the 8x8 display to be shown.
Shift x
An integer value representing the offset from the left of the display that the first column of matrix elements should appear. For instance, an offset of 1, would leave one blank column on the left, effectively shifting the display right by one.
Shift y
An integer value representing the offset from the top of the display that the first row of matrix elements should appear. For instance, an offset of 1, would leave one blank row at top, effectively shifting the display down by one.


  Outputs: 0
Output Name:


  Components in Same Category: Timer
Counter Reset on Value
Counter Reset on Event
Constant (k)
RandNum Generator
Integrated Logbook
CSV Data Feed
Match Count
Sim Action Stop
Sim Action Sound
Sim Action Message
Sim Info SimTime
Sim Info Count
Sim Info LocalTime
User Control Button
Data Value Storage
Diminishing Quantity
Sim Action Format
Indicator Light
7-Segment LED
Integrated Column Chart
8x8 LED Controller
User Button Up Down
Dynamic Sim Value
Do Once

  Sample Files with this Component:

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