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AIB2 Components - Vector 2D [+ - * ^]
Category: Math
The Vector 2D Processes component provides for the 4 processes, including vector addition, vector subtraction, computing the cross product and computing the dot product. The inputs for this component are the components of two individual vectors. The specific process to apply is selected in the component properties dialog box. NOTE: For a 2D vector the dot-product represents an imaginary z magnitude perpendicular to the plane of the angle between the x and y components.

  Inputs: 5
Input Name:
Boolean input of 1 or 0, ON or OFF, enabling or disabling computation on the provided inputs. Default is ON.
The input value of type double that is the x component of the first 2D vector.
The input value of type double that is the y component of the first 2D vector.
The input value of type double that is the x component of the second 2D vector.
The input value of type double that is the y component of the second 2D vector.


  Outputs: 4
Output Name:
The output value of type double that is the x component of the resulting 2D vector. This output is available for processes of adding and subtracting 2D vectors.
The output value of type double that is the normalized y component of the 2D vector. This output is available for processes of adding and subtracting 2D vectors.
2d cross (z mag)
Output value of type double that is the 2D cross product (which for 2D vectors represents an imaginary z magnitude perpendicular to the plane of the angle between x and y).
dot product
Output value of type double that is the computed scalar dot product of the two input vectors. This output is available for the process of "Dot Product" calculation.


  Components in Same Category: Delay
Compare to Input (=)
Compare to Input (>)
Compare to Input (<)
Compare to Constant (=)
Compare to Constant (>)
Compare to Constant (<)
Add Input Values
Subtract Input Values
Multiply Input Values
Divide Input Values
Running Stats
Absolute Value
Raise to Power
Square Root
Running Total
Moving Average
Vector 2D Magnitude
Vector 3D Magnitude
Vector 2D Normalize
Vector 3D Normalize
Vector 3D [+ - * ^]
Get Min
Get Max
Reverse Sign
In Range

  Sample Files with this Component:

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