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simulation components, logic, intelligence, patterns
AIB2 Components - Delta
Category: Math
The Delta component takes a single input value and provides the change in both the value itself from one execution to the next (the Delta output), as well as the change in the change itself (the Delta Delta output). In other words, this component provides key elements to computing the derivative and the derivative of the derivative for a changing value.

By default, the calculation will be made on each execution cycle, as the enable input is by default, ON (1). By attaching a component to the enable input, a system can regulate at what frequency these calculations are made.
The calculation can be reset at anytime by attaching a non-zero value to the Reset input. By default the Reset input is set to OFF (0), so continuous calculation is made.

  Inputs: 3
Input Name:
On Off
Boolean input of zero or non-zero value that either enables or disables computation on incoming value. If this is zero, no computation will be made. Default is ON.
Raw Value
An input value of double type that will be evaulated against its prior values.
Reset Value
Each cycle of execution checks this value to determine if a reset should be performed. A non-zero value here will cause a reset of values to 0.


  Outputs: 2
Output Name:
The output value of double type that represents the difference between the current value and its prior value. In other words, it is the change or delta.
The output value of double type that represents the difference between the current computed change or delta in the adjacent output, and the prior change or delta in the previous execution cycle.


  Components in Same Category: Delay
Compare to Input (=)
Compare to Input (>)
Compare to Input (<)
Compare to Constant (=)
Compare to Constant (>)
Compare to Constant (<)
Add Input Values
Subtract Input Values
Multiply Input Values
Divide Input Values
Running Stats
Absolute Value
Raise to Power
Square Root
Running Total
Moving Average
Vector 2D Magnitude
Vector 3D Magnitude
Vector 2D Normalize
Vector 3D Normalize
Vector 2D [+ - * ^]
Vector 3D [+ - * ^]
Get Min
Get Max
Reverse Sign
In Range

  Sample Files with this Component:

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