AIB2 Components - Compare to Input (<)
Category: |
Description: |
The Compare to Variable (Less than) component allows any number of inputs to be compared to the attached single comparative input value. Attach any non-array input to set the comparative value. If all input values are less than (within a precision distance of 0.00000001) the target value, the output value is true (1). If all inputs are not less than the provided value, then the output is false (0). |
Inputs: 1 |
The primary value to compare the others to. For instance if the comparison is a test for "greater than", and this value is 5.0, the result will be positive if all other inputs are infact greater than 5.0. The sensitivity is set at a default 0.0000001.
Outputs: 3 |
All Satisfy?
Boolean response given the logic test - 0 if condition not met and 1 if condition is met. The output will display as either YES or NO depending on whether the comparison satisfies the test.
Count Items
An integer count of the number of input items that are compared to the primary input item. For instance, if the primary compare item is 5.0, and there are three items in addition to 5.0 that are tested, then this result will be "3"
Items Satisfied
An integer count of the number of input items that are compared to the primary input item that satisfy the comparison test. For instance, if the primary compare item is 5.0, and there are three items in addition to 5.0 that are tested, and two of those 3 items are greater than 5.0, then this result will be "2"
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Sample Files with this Component: |