The Software Applications
With AI Builder and TinMan RealTime providing the primary elements to connect with, design and control intelligent systems, TinMan Systems provides a growing suite of complimentary applications that provide critical and time-saving functionality to the overall process. For instance, the Satellite Sender utility provides the ability to read CSV data files line by line at any sample rate and send those samples via UDP to any IP address and port for further processing. This enables a virtualization of recorded sensor data to enable multiple passes at the same set of circumstances for tweaking an autonomous decision making system. For information on the other applications either click on the respective boxes or send us an email to for detailed information. Review the various applications and their respective roles and release dates in the images above. Click on a box to proceed to the product page for more information, to download a trial or purchase.What does the TinMan Platform Do?
The TinMan Software Platform essentially provides 3 primary functional capabilities: 1) Real-time remote sensor data access, parsing, fusion and visualization, 2) Real-time visual design, testing, simulation and deployment of intelligent systems and 3) pattern recognition and digital signatures design , testing and deployment. Each of the TinMan Software applications provides inter-operable and unique capability for developing and deploying smart systems efficiently.Platform Key Features: