AIB2 Components - States Awareness Hub
Category: |
Decision Logic
Description: |
Requires Version 3.03 or later. Click the About AI Builder ribbon bar button to see your version, or simply check for updates with the Check for Updates button. The states awareness hub component monitors and reports on the status of state machine components that have been selected for monitoring. It is a convenient way to access, from anywhere in your system, whether or not a state machine is currently active.
This is greatly effective in that it eliminates upstream - downstream dependencies, as well as not requiring any connections between the hub and the states it monitors. State machines are extremely effective ways to build features within a circumstance vector, or to maintain focus on an activity until conditions are met.
You can add a states awareness hub in any system module, and access any state machine in any other module, including the hub parent module. An example use case for a hub might be to monitor various stages of a flight or mission, and make decisions relative to that condition. By combining conditions, extremely accurate and near-perfect decisions can be made autonomously.
Hubs will provide an indicate light (red when a monitored state is not active and green when active) in the vertical center of the hub to enhance visual perception of system status during simulation.
To use, simply double click on the hub, or right click to present the properties dialog. In the dialog, select from states on the left which will be monitored by this hub component. Click OK. Outputs for each selected state will be produced, and available for connecting to subscribing components or module outputs. You can always add more monitored states or remove the ones you are monitoring. Keep in mind that only State Machine components (Simple State Machine and Timer State Machine) are monitored by the hub. These two components are also in the Decision Logic category. |
Inputs: 0 |
Outputs: 1 |
For each state machine that is selected for this hub to maintain awareness of, an output is dynamically created, with a boolean output value serving as a flag to indicate whether the state machine is currently active. It has value of 1 (displayed as ACTIVE) if active, and 0 if not.
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Sample Files with this Component: |