AIB2 Components - Pattern Analyzer
Category: |
Decision Logic
Description: |
The Pattern Analyzer component is a compact pattern recognition module. It allows the import of binary patterns (0's and 1's) of up to 32 features in length, whereby a feature by feature comparison is made against all patterns in the registered patterns set. If a match is found the control will flag and identify this pattern and make available this information at the two outputs.
To register patterns, open the component properties dialog box, either by double clicking on the component or by selecting properties from the pop up menu. Select the Import Patterns button and bring your patterns in via comma separated value text files (*.CSV). Format for the file requires that pattern names be in the first column, unique pattern ID's in the second column, and then followed by each value in the pattern (1 or 0) in each successive column. At the top of the file should be the name of the features that the values represent. This file, once imported, will be displayed in full detail within the properties dialog box of the component.
When the import is performed, the component will automatically construct all necessary inputs along with the associated names from the header row. These inputs are where you will attach other components or incoming values to. Each cycle of execution (if the component is enabled) will cause a pattern matching test to be performed, with the results provided at the outputs, and also stored for later viewing and or export in the properties dialog box itself. Choose reset or delete results to clear prior comparison tests. |
Inputs: 1 |
Read Inputs (enable)
Boolean input of 1 or 0, ON or OFF, enabling or disabling pattern recognition. If ON, a read of the input array is made, and matching is performed against registered patterns. Default is ON.
Outputs: 2 |
Identified (match) Flag
Boolean output of 1 or 0, displayed as YES or NO, that indicates whether or not a match was found with the most recent analyzed input pattern. This can be used as in conjunction with an enabler input flag on another component to drive a next stage process given the positive classification of the pattern.
Pattern ID
If the pattern was matched with an existing registered pattern, this output will hold the unique ID of the registered pattern. If no match was found, this value will be 0. No pattern ID will ever be 0.
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Neural Network Segmenter Single Out Segmenter Multple Outs Feedback Flow Pattern Generator Pattern Recorder Decision Matrix Target Input Comparator Pattern Sequencer State Machine Simple States Awareness Hub State Machine Timer
Sample Files with this Component: |