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simulation components, logic, intelligence, patterns
AIB2 Components - Toggle - Single Pole
Category: Logic
The Toggle Single Pole component provides a switch that changes positions to the opposite position each time its input is enabled. In other words, if the current output state is false (0), and the input value is non-zero, then the output value changes to true (1). The opposite case would apply. The default position of the input is to false, leading to a constant true output. Attach any non-array output to the input to be evaluated.

  Inputs: 1
Input Name:
On Off
Boolean input of zero or non-zero value. Each time a non-zero value is received by this input the output pole toggles from its prior position to the opposite position.


  Outputs: 1
Output Name:
Current Status
Boolean output of zero or non-zero value. Each time a non-zero value is received by the input the pole toggles this value from its prior position to the opposite position.


  Components in Same Category: All True [AND]
Any False [NAND]
Any True [OR]
All False [NOR]
Exclusive OR [EXOR]
Toggle - Dual Pole
8-Bit Extractor
16-Bit Extractor
32-Bit Extractor

  Sample Files with this Component:

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